[quote=@Raijinslayer] [h2]Aiden[/h2] Aiden cheerful mood was rather soured when Piper busted in, her tidings being anything but good. "We'll have to take a rain check on the ice cream today, Mr. Tiberton." The man nodded, his face turned grave at what he'd managed to over hear. "Be careful now Aiden, I'd probably have to shut down 8f anything were to happen to you." The man's attempt to lighten the mood was appreciated, as was the worry that was clear in his voice. Aiden walkee over to Oriel, told her quickly "You can slap me for this later," then he swept her off her feet into a princess carry and rushed out the door, a magic seal, appearing underneath him as he made his second step. "Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He said, and he was off,launched high into the air by a stream of highly pressurized water. Him and Oriel flew quite a distance, and he landed with a crash near a cafe , where he saw Yuuyami. "Oy, cat-girl, We've got an emergency at the guild hall, so move you're ass. Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He spoke quickly before launching off again, this time busting in through the hall doors and making a skid-landing, stopping right in front of Nigel. Once he was steady, he would let Oriel,down bedore turning to face the S-class mage. "Where are we headed and what should we expect upon getting there?" Aiden asked, wanting to know every detail before he approached he went anywhere. [/quote] [color=00aeef][b]Those three are more than capable of dealing with the two demons at Cedar Town. As much as I don’t want to admit it in front of Lucas, Clover Town’s safety is more important as that’s where the guild masters summit takes place[/b][/color] Nigel thought. He reached out to the nanorobot inside Piper’s brain, [color=00aeef][b][i]“Piper, good job. Matisuki, Sable and Cynthia just left for Cedar Town so you can come back now, we both are going to Clover Town to see what is happening over there”[/i][/b][/color] he said. At that moment, Aiden burst through the front doors, holding Oriel in his arms, [color=00aeef][b][i]“Oh, wait a minute. Aiden just broke the front door. Seems like it won’t be just the two of us on this one”[/i][/b][/color] he told Piper telepathically and with that, turned to Aiden. [b][color=00aeef]"Glad you guys came"[/color][/b] he told them.[color=00aeef][b] "Currently, Clover and Cedar Town are being attacked by demons. Cynthia, Sable and Matisuki just left for Cedar Town through that magic teleportation circle down there"[/b][/color] he said pointing at the circle, [color=00aeef][b]"and that is Lucas, a knight tasked by the Council to aid us by transporting us to the battlefield. With your arrival, we are 3 and with Piper on her way back, 4 in total"[/b][/color] he said [color=00aeef][b]"Oh, did you happen to meet anyone else on your way here? Every available A+ mage is needed for this mission"[/b][/color] he asked Aiden. [color=00aeef][b]"By the way, I'm going to ask of you to let me implant my robots in your head. This way we can communicate through long distances and share information with one another in an instant"[/b][/color] he finished.