The Earl Grey. Early in the morning. "Why I Ne-" The old man was silenced with a wave of a hand from his vampire associate. "Good question Mathew Stone Esquire." The fanged one spoke to Mathew directly now. "Ask yourself, who is the Collector?" Proxies and patsies, this was how the world operated. Stone should know this, unless he had really been so egotistic to believe Bedivere would make an appearance here in London this early in the morning. Far from it, any real business would be conducted in Wales anyways. Coming to London was the first mistake, or perhaps the first step. What would come of this meeting? Certainly a death. It was planned after all. Staged even, and all the men involved actors for the dark lord. "Did you expect Sire to be present? No, you are still far too human for him despite your accomplishments. In the long game, a knight is worth far less on the board as the pieces clear up, one by one. And you shall be left with naught but an empire of ash and sand for all you have done as on the table and at it. But I am not here to teach you lessons in humility. I come bearing you not one, but two offers from the Collector himself." Let those words sink in, as the vampire takes a jab at Mathew's mortality. "He proposes the following terms: One, for Mathew Stone esquire to be offered the dark gift of night if they are to ever meet such that then they could truly be counted as equals. Two, for Mathew Stone esquire to become a suitable replacement for the current incarnation of the Collector." With those words, the Old Man's eyes widened, today may be the day he died. It was signed in the contract, that as he inherited from the last collector, he too would forfeit his life when the terms came to an end as the vampire produced a briefcase and from it a parcel of ancient papers signed by the last dozen collectors. "A generous offer do you not think so Mister Stone? Had I not been a vampire myself, I would accept both in your stead. But the Sire was very clear the offer extended to you, and you only. I would strongly suggest accepting it." For your life depended upon it. Making enemies is hardly a good thing to do in today's modern world. All a part of Bedivere's schemes of course. Mathew Stone as the collector would draw attention from him for some time, and allow him to plan his vampire assault on France.