[h2][color=ed1c24]\m/ Evelyn[/color] - SSDD[/h2] Really? [i]Really?[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Uh....y-yeah I don't do kitties. Sorry."[/color] Ev answered half asleep and definitely half pissed off. Why the hell was this damn girl still bugging the shit out of her? Also, why the fuck wasn't she curled up in a ball and bawling her eyes out, crying for her mommy like some kid Ev forced to play Five Nights at Freddy's (possibly true story), you know, the NORMAL reactions to the psycho's horrific visions of the mad and the macabre, the grotesque morbidness of her alleged artwork, but no....she just tilted her head all moe-kawaii-desu and shit and drew Ev another damn....what the fuck was it? A cat is what it looked like, but what the hell was sticking out of it? Thorns? Tentacles? Nope, just some fuck-ups in the coloring department. The annoying chick acted like she was held back since elementary school. Ev merely glowered at the [color=00a651]girl[/color] for another moment or so, glancing back and shrugging her shoulders with a befuddled look towards Lisa's slap on the head, not to mention her...reprimanding? [color=ed1c24]"What?"[/color] She said with a confused inflection before looking back at the cat drawing, and replied to it's [i]artist[/i], [color=ed1c24]"Yeah yeah...it looks great. Thank you, now...quit bugging me."[/color] Ev sighed. [i][color=ed1c24]UGGHHH!!! I want this shit to be OVERRRRR!!! DX[/color][/i] But my my, wasn't she the popular one. The other derp(Rin) set in on her again, asking if Ev could help her be a better gamer, then asking if she could see her drawings too. Might as well if they're gonna keep one pesky flea off her back. [i][color=ed1c24]For fuck sakes, I'm a misanthrope trapped in her own personal Hell...[/color][/i] [color=ed1c24]"Sure, knock yourself out, like...literally."[/color] Evelyn grumbled passing her sketchbook back, unwittingly of course. She didn't really care if the girl wanted to scar her eyes and her mind with the savagely drawn gorefest, but.....there were [i]other[/i] drawings Ev would simply die if people saw them....the sketches she kept in the far back of her book....for no one's eyes....not even Lisa's. How could she have made such a tactless error? But then again, she was tired, bored, and just wanted to leave. She didn't even pay much attention to Dex and Zac entering the room, well aside from giving a short wave and laying her head on her desk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h2][color=ed145b]~Rebecca <3[/color] - Nary a Rose Without Thorns[/h2] A soft, frail cry was released from her lips the moment she felt the tension around her limbs increase in severity slightly, squeezing with a pressure that seemed to leave burns about her fragile skin, yet was all too enticing for the woman to ignore. However, everything still felt bizarre to Rebecca, a prisoner of this indeed maniacal woman that had her bound in chains of shadows, toying with her, tormenting her in ways that were both pleasurable and painful all the same to the lustful vampire. With eyes, genuinely filled with a sense of danger, she glanced to Samantha again, shaking her head with a plea barely audible, [color=ed145b]~"S-stop...no more...I beg you Miss Samantha!"~[/color] But...did she wish for this to cease? Yes, but in a way, no. Twas a thrill she hadn't felt in ages, the threat of peril frightening yet oh so exhilarating for her frazzled, tinging nerves, electrical pulses coursing through her flesh and arcing wildly at the tips of her fingers. If Rebecca desired, she could keep this twisted game of Samantha's going longer, but yet...something still felt terribly off. Soon the woman reached for something with her serpentine hands, a....a blade? Her rose eyes widened and a gasp was elicited. She wouldn't dare would she? The maid was absolutely insane! But no...no she wouldn't ever slay a student in cold blood, jeopardize her reputation by committing the most foul act of murder imaginable.....would she? Soon Rebecca began to writhe uncomfortably in her tormentor's ill grasp, knowing well something was wrong with this situation, dead wrong. But she couldn't escape, she was caught, a spider ensnared in karmic retribution by the very web she weaved to capture her own unfortunate souls. Only in true...absolute horror could she witness the sinister, gleaming scythe being brought to her by a dark appendage. Yet more whimpers were forced from her lips, a shiver at the feeling of cold, deathly steel pressed to her skin and sliding down her torso, just stopping short of her navel. In doing so, a few buttons of her blouse had been snipped. Now certain it was with eyes fearful that Rebecca gazed unto the dark haired fiend, and that this moment of horror....may indeed be her last.