The constantly chanting main head of Scol didn't lose focus on the undead for even the fraction of a second, so it could observe in great detail what the effect of Graguths breath was. Not particularly impressed by the ability to melt away the already weakened flesh of an undead, it did wonder how the descendant of Rylarth had come to undergo a development of this kind, for the acidic nature presented in his breath was usually a trademark of corruption. Yet, he showed no signs of it, much unlike the beast before him. Also, it was delighted to see the bones of the dead bandit leader relatively unharmed. Though they would possibly give in to the corrosive gas, they could at least resist for a while. The great serpent pondered this silently, however. It gave Graguth several minutes to brood before it spoke up again, the sudden thunder of its otherworldly voice making the humans around them jump. The 'lesser' heads had wound down as well, recovered from the ritual. [b][i]"WHAT. NOW."[/i][/b] It became evident that Scolopendra wasn't quite used to this form of communication, but it also adressed multiple things at once. What would the dragon do with this knowledge? Was the result to his liking? Were there more experiments to be conducted? Many possible questions, and all the answers were of interest to the black hydra.