[h2]Jack[/h2] Having retrieved some necessities of his own from the office, Jack returned to Engineering, paying close attention to where he was going this time around. The teacher motioned for him to return to his seat, and Jack retrieved his Engineering textbooks from his duffle bag, which he had been carrying all morning. He had planned to swap it for the rucksack it contained, but had been late arriving at the school and had lacked the sense to ask Iyo where the dorms were. However, he had his map now, and he had been told he was in dorm 107. He settled in, the chair creaking a little under his weight - when you're a 6ft 6 walking muscle pile, you get used to ominous creaking when you lean on something. He took in the room around him - so many people... Who knew? Maybe he would run into some interesting characters in his classes today...