Mira offered a laugh at Jenna's first comment and assured that she was okay with removing it, assisted her in taking off the shirt. It provided the access she needed to tend to the wound. And although she typically wouldn't for an older vampire, she thought a newly turned one would need disinfectant for the wound. "This'll sting," she warned before applying and continuing on to stop the bleeding. Jenna finally spoke up as Mira was binding the shoulder, and she paused in her work to look at her. "Ambush us?" she repeated, digesting the information. The word triggered her memory of her conversation with Klaus: the Blackmoores had been ambushed and one kidnapped by rogues. He did say a couple got a way... Her lips pursed together as she realized her mistakes all at once: she had been blind, stubborn, and naïve. If what Jenna told her was true, the rogues weren't a Blackmoore problem alone any longer. She picked up her work again, her tone cooler now. "Who's we? Do you remember who turned you?" she asked.