Lauralye smiled at him and nodded her head as he told her that he would follow her today so that she could see knew things. She flicked her reins a little and started to walk with her horse. She was in a lavish dress despite it being loose around her midsection, hiding her small bump. With how much Lauralye and Robert had presented themselves to the people, and the crown on Lauralye's head, they would easily be recognized as the King and Queen which had problems of its own. There was crowding of people, it was harder for the two of them to just slip away, and there was also a sense of danger for the radicals who did not like the thought of a King and Queen. Those same people had killed her mother and had nearly taken her own life. She looked over at Thedas as the headed down the hill and smiled, no matter how much those people scared her, Thedas would keep her safe just like he always did and she trusted that. It didn't take long for them to slowly walk into the city.