Ike and Mike lead the remaining two out of Dani's room and brought them to their respective rooms. Without a word they handed Sammy and Natsu a key to their room and left without a word, back to their posts. Sammy IMMEDIATELY called the kitchen on the denden mushi and ordered so... oh, so much meat. After her unbelievably long day, Natsu was exhausted. Dozens of thoughts ran through her head, but she was just too damn tired to deal with them now. She didn't even bother checking the room or anything, flopping onto the bed. In less than two minutes she was out. Around the same time, there was a knock on the door of room 1 and Sammy threw the door wide open as a man wheeled a tray loaded UP with all kinds of meat. Sammy was practically flooding the room with saliva. The delivery-boy left, but Sammy either didn't notice or care, his attention only on his dinner. Hell, he almost didn't want to eat the gorgeous pieces of art in front of him.... but that lasted for less than an attosecond as he dove in. Almost immediately after he finished, Sammy was passed out with a pleased grin on his face, as a deep, deep fog began to roll in... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 hours later... ------------------------ [b][i]*BOOM!!!!!!!!*[/i][/b] A massive explosion jerked Dani out of the land of dreams and into reality. Darting to the window, she found the entirty of the island covered in highly dense fog. It was almost impossible to see anything... except for one large battleship in the northern dock. It was a marine ship. Dani didn't understand. She didn't have a bounty on her or anything like that, so why where they here? She didn't have much time to think as a burst of fire came from the ship. Immediately, she grabbed the megaphone denden beside her and shouted "TAKE COVER!!!" as the cannonball flew over the wall and crashed into one of the food shops. "CODE RED! CODE RED! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!! RAISE THE DEFENSIVE SHIELDS AND ASSUME BATTLE POSITIONS!! GO! GO! GO!" she ordered, grabbing her coat and guns as she left her room, dashing down to room 15. She broke down the door "Alright little missy, why the fuck are the marines attacking my island!? I want answers, NOW!"...