Cain let out a weary sigh as the taxi cab he'd called in upon arriving in Europe reached it's destination. He was jet lagged, and above all else, he was disheartened at the hit his finances had taken from his decision to go around the world for a letter of all things. Frankly, were it not for the fact that a goddamned ghost personally delivered the mail to him and it had just arrived in the mail, he'd have tossed it and went about his day. Sadly this what not the case, and Cain was reminded of that as the cab driver told him the total came out to approximately sixty six euros. The wendigo grimaced and pulled his wallet from his back pocket, swearing up and down that the poor thing was screaming in protest as he pulled out three twenty euro notes and a ten euro note and slapped them into the driver's hand. "[b]Keep the-[/b]" Cain started only for the cab driver to peel out without another word, "[b]...change. A fine day to you too, fucker.[/b]". With a soft grunt, Cain shouldered his bag and made an attempt to enter the hotel, though not before bit of fussing with the doorman and a partial transformation to prove he wasn't human. Cain stepped inside, the skin on his face squirming slightly as it reconfigured itself into a more human look. Cain could have done anything, made a remark about the decor, showed relief at the fact that there were more monsters in the world than he thought, hell, just asked for a room, instead what came out was this: "[b]So, i'm at home enjoying my off day, and suddenly a freakin' ghost decides to reenact "The Ring" with my now broken television. I'd probably be angry if I weren't jet lagged, but i've still gotta question the delivery methods of the head honcho here.[/b]".