Great to hear! I have a few ideas that in time I would like to share, but before I go about a spewing potential original storylines (if permitted) I do have a couple of questions and concerns: How would the side-storylines be handled? I see freedom is a huge importance in the RPGs, but is there any ground rules, linear paths, etc.? How would the larger storylines be written? Dawnguard DLC or the Dragonborn DLC, for example. I assume changes would need to be done, of course, but I do feel these could be done if written correctly. How about Lore changes? I noticed that it is mentioned that non-Dragonborn characters can't be killing Giants and Dragons by themselves, but the Lore says otherwise. The heroes of old during the First Age murdered dragons single handily when they rebelled and Giants themselves are of a lesser race compared to dragons. And finally, what is the stance on non-vanilla Skyrim things? For example: different armor, new magic spells, unique weapons, etc. Thanks!