[quote=@Agent B52] Whenever you mention Ahriman I just keep thinking you mean the 40k sorcerer who can rip continents in half with a thought. [/quote] Same here, same here. And the Zoroastrian God Ahriman. They're both extremely powerful beings capable of bringing cataclysmic destruction times a thousand to worlds and beyond. Who knows, maybe Ahriman's hiding something akin to Raven from the Teen Titans in that he's meant to be the harbinger of the apocalypse, but seriously doesn't wanna be cause that totally cramps his style (and he'd rather not commit mass genocide). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [img]http://static.tumblr.com/10627d114c6cf5e7ee2e027959b76000/4tfa6et/cMsnaskrb/tumblr_static_45ofi0il1l4wwk4k4s048wwk4.gif[/img]