[quote=@Raijinslayer] Re-quip is always a solid choice for a secondary magic type. I was also considering having Aiden teach her Ice Dragonslayer magic, as I thought it be interesting, but I never got any feedback on that. Fortification or Muscle magic could work if you want to enhance her CQC capabilities. [/quote] I thought about requip but like you said it's a solid choice but that kinda makes it boring. ice ds does sound interesting but I'm pretty sure the only way to obtain ds magic is to learn from a dragon or implant a lacrima. She already uses her sound magic to increase the power of her already impressive kicking strength so I think adding fortification or muscle would be overkill.........though not entirely ruled out [quote=@chukklehed] You could give her a cool magic, like Takeover. Might be an interesting fallback. [/quote] Hmmm maybe...