"Woah," Rook said quietly to himself as he stepped into the carriage. He wiggled his toes in his slippers, enjoying the soft sensation of the carpet. His feet and lower legs felt bare without his boots, but this was undoubtedly nice. Tinkering around with the carriage, Rook discovered the heating totem built into the counter top. [i]So Gaivus can boil tea in here?[/i] he thought to himself, leaning forward to examine the totem. He could feel the heat on his face. Upon further examination of the carriage he found the jar of tea leaves -- [i]so tea indeed[/i] -- and -- [i]aha![/i] -- the alcohol. Much to his disappointment, Rook learned that they were all sealed shut. He wasn't about to risk stealing from his employer if it was that easy to get caught. Take a little sip here and there, who will notice? But uncork a sealed bottle of wine... bad idea. Resigning himself to this fate, Rook began to sat back down when he saw the opened envelopes. [i]Addressed to Gaivus Hemming... obviously. Who else?[/i] he mused. Curiosity nagged at him. The letters were already open, seals broken, so taking a peek should be easy without getting caught. Looking around, Rook gave the interior of the carriage another thorough inspection, but found nothing that... well, what was he really looking for? He found nothing suspicious either way. Taking a deep breath, Rook used his nimble fingers to lift the outermost envelope without disturbing the others. He'd already memorized its position so that he could place it back without Gaivus ever being able to tell the difference. Sliding out the letter and folding it open, Rook began to read.