[@knight125] [@Caits] Kijani looked back and forth between them, clutching her forehead. "No, no- you're lying." She glared at Anthony. "You're just... you're just trying to get me to like you again, so you can- you can use me. And you-" She whipped her head around so fast to stare at Connor that her hair whipped Anthony's face. "You're just trying to make everything better, because that's what heroes do. John works here, he's doing what he's supposed to do. Flood is too nuts to know that I'll get him killed..." She dug her hands into her thick dreads, tugging at her hair in pure distress. "The person you love doesn't exist. What you think of me, those things are just..." Starting to shake, she let her head drop. "Useless. They'll get me nowhere." Her voice dropped low, as she seemed to simply deflate, all of her anger and energy draining away as her hands dropped into her lap. "I- I'm nothing but a dead end. A murderer, someone with no future."