[quote=@Apokalipse] [b]Nara, Shikashi[/b] [i]Land of Fire - Nara Compound, Morning[/i] Shikashi slowly stood up and crossed his arms, glancing at the newcomer with a suspicious gaze. Shikayo glances at the newcomer as well before tossing a nod to Shikashi and leaving. “This is the Nara Compound and you are intruding.” Shikashi hisses, hunching his shoulders and baring his teeth. “Leave, now.” Shikashi readies his chakra in case the intruder doesn’t leave peacefully and his muscles tense in preparation. However, nobody would notice it unless one knew Shikashi like the back of one’s hand. [/quote] "Well then... this is awkward," Kao said looking at the owner of the voice. "I'm nothing threatening just a puppet master" he spoke as he summoned up Scythe Master Liando, "They aren't scary unless you look them in the face... don't worry they are meant to be like that. "So are you sure I can't come in? I've been traveling the world and need, but a bit of rest"