"Nuh," Okuu retorted, "She was really mean to me. She doesn't care at all, and she thinks I'm a bother, so I'm gonna get the ice cream all myself. That will show her who's a bother, and it won't be me, because I have the ice cream." Okuu's cheeks puffed out and she took a seat at the counter of the diner. She didn't need help from [i]anyone[/i]; she was gonna get that ice cream all on her lonesome and everyone would be so impressed and she would tell Orin and Satori later and they would give her treats and praise. Just then, the clown walked in, and Okuu turned back to Rawk. "It's nice to meet you and all, mister Rawk, but you can buy mister clown something instead of me. I want to do this on my own." She then turned to the proprietor, and with the most serious look she could muster on her face, said, "I will have one ice cream, please, and I will go on any quest that needs doing to get it."