[CENTER][h3]Oriel[/h3][/CENTER] [color=ed1c24]"What in the actual fuck!? I don't mind about the princess carry, but what about my ice cream, baka Aiden?"[/color] Oriel shouted, after being inadvertedly picked up and dragged around by Aiden. As said earlier, she didn't really mind, though her heart did beat a bit faster than usual. They went to check up on another girl, Yuuyami, seemed to be her name, before launching up again. It definitely made her fell a bit dizzy, the quick motions and everything. [color=ed1c24]"H-Hey, can you... slow down a bit? I might throw up worse than when I get drunk."[/color] Luckily, they came to a stop in the guild hall. She climbed down Aiden's arms and squatted down for a bit, with her hand on her mouth. She really did feel like throwing up. She slowed her breath a bit and then started taking deep breaths, until the urge faded away. And how so, she was just in time to hear councilman asshole running his mouth. She didn't really mind going to kick some demon ass, that was her specialty, after all, but having some kind of implant inside her head? He just HAD to be kidding. [color=ed1c24]"Yeaaaaah, noup. I don't really appreciate people messing with my head. I might be crazy as fuck, but I like it that way."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Besides,"[/color] regaining her teasing demeanor, she elbowed Aiden's side. [color=ed1c24]"He and I can communicate through out minds. Call it 'Lovers telepathy' or shit like that."[/color] She let out a hearty laugh. [color=ed1c24]"Speaking seriously now, don't you have anything better than that for us to keep in touch with each other? I'm sure there are a shit ton better ways than THAT."[/color]