The door barely swung open as the female gnome waddled in, weighed down by the backpack that seemed to threaten to topple her over at any second. She didn't seem to have a lot to say, though her expression remained cheerful as she plopped down her bag and pulled herself onto a barstool, right next to a wizard who had a bat familiar visible. Whether or not the wizard was trying to eavesdrop didn't matter; the gnome piped up right then, in a rather cheery voice: "Hi there! Your familiar's so cute!" Boy, didn't that get the wizard's attention real fast! The older wizard looked over her traveler's clothing and scowled before sliding off his stool. The gnome reached for him, continuing to speak. "Hey, hang on, I just wanted to pet him! Or her! Or whatever they want to be!" She wasn't quick enough, though, and instead fell on top of her backpack with a faint crushing sound. "Uh-oh." Now forgetting the wizard and his adorable pet, the gnome slid off her backpack and opened it up. Sand, glass shards, powders, and the like decorated her items now - though she was to note not everything had broken. Still had some supplies. But jeez, what a start to freelancing.