Through the night, each of the pack, including Meesei, took turns on watch, with the last being Fendros. Thankfully, it was a boring night for all involved, as they each started to awake in the morning with no one having been harmed. Meesei was among the first to rise, and she did not delay a moment in starting on her business for the day. As everyone did not awake at the same time, she was able to take a brief moment to speak to each of her pack individually while the others were either still asleep, or preparing for the day. With each, she made sure to stress that they keep an eye on their charges at all times, but to also be cautious. She warned them to try and make sure the lieutenants did not take them to too secluded of locations and, if the traitor did reveal themselves, to run instead of fight. As long as the traitor could be identified, their power to harm the clan would be diminished, so her pack's safety was more important than capturing the traitor. Eventually, everyone awoke in varying states of fatigue and general grogginess. It was fair to say that no one in the room was in a good mood, and there was no indication that would improve anytime soon. Regardless, out of duty to Hircine, Meesei would press on no matter what. After everyone looked to be reasonably awake, Meesei spoke up to the group as a whole. "This will be the first real day of the investigation. Hopefully, it will also be the last, but be prepared for it to go on regardless. To reiterate what I said last night, the lieutenants are going to need to go about their duties in as normal of a manner as possible. Obviously, you cannot leave the ruin, and I would strongly advise against going into the uninhabited sections as well. I am sure you can imagine how the traitor could take advantage of that. The clan knows I am here to bolster our defenses against Vile, so if anyone inquires on any kind of unusual behavior, you may cite that as the reason. Again, I need your help in maintaining order through all of this. You all can help to prevent the clan from falling into chaos, and for that I will be grateful. For now, I need enough coin so one of my pack can buy food for us all. You can choose to eat food from here if you cannot wait, but in doing so, you accept the danger that comes with it. Ahnasha, I will send you to Bruma for the supplies. Vera, can you acquire the coin for her? Another of my pack, Kaleeth, will stay with you while she is gone. We can go to collect her on the way."