She only picked up an apple, though naturally the ripest, reddest one available. She looked over to him with a pointed glare. [b]"I truly dislike the fact you grew up here sometimes."[/b] She sighed, walking to a table and taking a seat. Pulling a small knife from the top of her boot she began to cut slices from the apple. She was quiet for a moment as she looked at him, before suddenly saying [b]"Sometimes I pretend I'm someone else. Not quite like that, but it helps. I mean one day you're here, bored beyond belief, and then the next, well..."[/b] She paused and smiled at him, at a smile which told more than words could, of the sights they'd seen and the things they'd done. [b]"Then again I suppose I spend a lot of my time pretending to be someone else. But I do understand how stark that difference is."[/b] How the monotony will eat away at you. How can one possibly be happy to stay still when they know just how big of a world it is?