Thank you both so much! ^_^ I apologize for my late response. RL and all.[@GrandzHelios] I will definitely let you know if we get this up and running. Fingers Crossed that we do. And [@SpicyWaffle] Thanks for the offer for some help. I've already kind of got a New Virtual World in mind actually. Something with the 4 elements, but me I'm going to add a 5th. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Metal. I want it to be somewhat influenced by ALO. The world is separated into 5 sectors, each with different races to the elements. North is the land of Fire. The geography would be mostly made up of Volcanoes, Lava, Volcanic Rock, and Ash. The races would one example, dragons or fire demons. East would be the land of Metal. The geography here would be Steam-Punk industry, So lots of factories, lots of technology. The race here would primarily be human, but with magical creatures and half breeds mixed in here and there. South would be the land of Water. As you can guess this is where the land from the East and West would go to a shoreline and be complete water with underground cities with mermaids, sirens, nymphs. Then it would connect with the Western shoreline. The West is the land of Earth. The geography would mostly be forest and field. The races for this sector would fairies, woodland sprites, and even satyrs or centaurs if people would want to venture out that far. Now for the Fifth element Air is where ALO connection takes place. In the center of the entire world there is a World Tree, (we obviously won't be calling it that but just so you have a visual in your noggin) At the top of the tree would be the Air domain. The branches reach high above the clouds and one can only get to it by flying. The races would be primarily angels, other races I can't think of right now. SO yeah that's what I had in mind for the New virtual world. What do you guys think? I know it's a lot just for the virtual world, and t's confusing a little, but it's just the rough draft.