Cain grimaced -something he did a lot it seemed- slightly at the displays of formality that occurred behind him. Said grimaced quickly gave way to a sort of shocked stupor as a strange creature fell from the heavens and crashed through the building as if God himself had decided "fuck everything in this general direction" would be his prerogative for the day. The wendigo stared blankly for a moment before he threw his hands into the air, deciding that this would likely become the norm and it was not something he'd get involved in if he could help it. Instead Cain walked over to the front desk intent on requesting a key, however Jack's pleas for assistance kept Cain from simply getting a room and continuing about his day. He crouched and, not having anything else on hand, pulled one of his shirts from his bag before pressing it against Jack's side, "[b]You look like you've seen better days. The hell did you do man?[/b]".