[center][h3]Oram Hellios, Cedar Town[/h3][/center] The illusion was all to real for Oram. This nightmare. This man. "Alec ROGANOFF!" Suddenly Alec was on some sort of foothold. "I don't know when you started using that magic but..." He paused as he broke through the foothold Gwen was on, unaware of who he was actually attacking. However, as he broke the foothold the magic befalling him ended. Gwen would likely be coming down much more rapidly than he'd expected. "Crap..." He'd attacked her. That wouldn't look very good on his part, whether or not she got hurt. That was likely the only reason he would attempt to catch her. But if she could land herself he wouldn't get in the way of that. "Hey what was that?" He asked regarding the illusion that had just happened. It was likely magic of some sort. But he had no real idea demons were involved. Still, since he knew he ended broken the magic and nobody had really helped him personally, he could only assume the caster had been dealt with. The only downside was now he couldn't get revenge on the bastard for making him see things he wanted to forget. But he knew he never would so moving on was next. And it didn't seem like he'd be apologizing for attacking Gwen anytime soon. "And are you okay?" He could at least ask that much right?