Mira finished as Jenna answered her questions, but she stayed kneeling beside the new vampire. "Twenty," she repeated, more for herself. She would have to check with Klaus--or a Blackmoore, unfortunately--to check that number with the ambush. She started putting away the supplies, her expression still. "You keep saying 'they.' Can you give me anything more than that?" she asked eventually. She wasn't particularly hopeful, but Jenna was her best lead now. This information would be important for the Blackmoores too and--ugh. Her nose wrinkled at the thought, but she supposed the two families would have to work together. Especially since humans were getting dragged into it, murdered and turned for these mysterious rogues. "You should stay here for little while," she added. This girl would have a life she'd have trouble separating from, however, and she added quickly, "For your protection." This wasn't a total lie, but Mira wasn't so quick to trust either. Really, she would prefer having Jenna around if only to keep an eye on her.