[center][img]https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1450891_984775924885006_7170616890431534865_n.jpg?oh=602a17f0ec65afb45c3970c7daff8619&oe=558CDDD2[/img] [color=#78866B]Uemura Monzaemon[/color] Night- Monzaemon Clan Hall [/center] As Uemura finished his address to his clan, he quickly dismissed them, glaring around. Something would tell most sane members of the clan not to talk to him.... which unfortunately probably left 3/4 of the clan left. He sighed as he got up, mulling over what was going to happen to the clan. They would send as many statements as needed, but it nagged him why. The Monzaemon were not well liked, but they were respected, why would anyone dare do anything to them to attract their whole attention? As he walked away from many people coming up to him, acting oblivious to them, a knock sounded, just barely loud enough for him to hear amid the not so hushed talk of the clan that had erupted since he'd ended. He didn't bother telling someone else to open it, walking up to it, and throwing the door open, the chill of the desert night breezing through the hall. [color=#78866B]"What do you want?"[/color] He saw a woman beyond the gates, and his eyes narrowed, wondering if she was part of the earlier murder