[color=00aeef][b]"Okay, suit yourself then"[/b][/color] he responded to both Aiden's and Oriel's refusal to get a nanorobot in their brains. [color=00aeef][b]"Piper has one and that is how i told her to return back to the guild hall after going around, bringing you guys all in. Anyway, I'll keep a camera on you two so if you need any help from us just signal"[/b][/color] he finished. Nigel then waited for Aiden to finish explaining to Yuuyami what had happened and then proceeded to enter the magic cirle that would sent them to Clover Town. Once they were teleported, they were warmly greeted by a pack of demonic hounds that surrounded and attacked them. Nigel went into TM-001 mode and transformed his left arm to the shape of a [url=http://i.imgur.com/wk5Urv8.png]compact cannon[/url] while at the same time jumping backwards and up, landing a few meters away from the hounds. From there he could participate as well as watch the battle, enabling him to strategise more effectively on the spot. From where he was, Nigel spotted Aiden getting bitten and dragged down on the ground by one of the hounds. He also spotted one more that was about to maul him and so fired a concentrated beam of Ethernano at the two hounds, melting holes through both of them and killing them on the spot, [color=00aeef][b]"Aiden? You're okay?"[/b][/color] Nigel asked loudly. [color=00aeef][i]Okay, let's see what we have here[/i][/color] Nigel thought and released a few dozens of his tiny nanocameras, giving him a nice, birds-eye view of the town and everything that was going on in it, while another hound dropped dead by his beam. Nigel's displays showed that there were two powerful magic signals coming from two different directions, a few hundred meters away from where their group was fighting the hounds. The signals flunctuated quite a lot, something that showed they were releasing a lot of magic power. [color=00aeef][i]Those two got to be the two demons. Hmm, are they fighting? Well, It would be stupid of me to think that the Council didn't send the same emergency mission they had sent to Harpy's Wing and Viper Bolt to all the other top-tier guilds, that or the demons were just butchering the townsfolk...[/i][/color] Nigel thought. [color=00aeef][b]"Hey Aiden, I'm picking up a strong magic signal a few hundred meters that way"[/b][/color] he said and pointed towards Invidia's location. [color=00aeef][b]"I'm 99% sure that you will find one of the demons there, probably fighting a mage. Take some of us and head towards that direction. I'm also picking another, different signal, some hundred meters at the opposite direction. I'll check that out"[/b][/color] he told Aiden. [color=00aeef][b]"Let's split up and finish this quickly, anyone who wants to, follow me"[/b][/color] Nigel told everyone.