Shu didn’t know what to think of the area but he really did like all the trees, feeling fairly at home even though it was a completely foreign world. If these trees were a home to someone then that made him feel fairly happy by default, but he didn’t like how high he still was and did want to get down from the airship and get among the trees. It would make him feel a lot better automatically if he was on the ground where the trees were rather than in the air like this. Squeaking as he pulled back away from the edge he looked up at Takeshi, tilting his head curiously. “Secret city? Ooh, very secret. No tell anyone”, he muttered, looking back down at the trees. He couldn’t see anything so it was definitely a secret, making Shu smile at the thought that there were many people down there. Bouncing on his toes he kept his fists close to his chest, looking to Takeshi curiously when he asked him a strange question. “Ooh? Got leaves, made bed in trees”, he spoke, making patting gestures in front of him, “When it rain, go into middle of treetop with many branches! Big leaves for cover, move under lots of branches and leaves…ooh, it lasted a long time or until attack! It was nice, but wet and frightening…” T’charrl wasn’t sure how he would handle the landing, especially when he wasn’t going to get it right the first time. Everyone was going to be nervous while he tried to land, even if he knew how to do it after being told. He had been going over in his mind how to do it and trying to think it through the entire time he was flying, but that didn’t mean he was going to be able to nail it first time round. “Uhh, if you are so sure. I mean…strange vehicles would get looked at by someone and that someone might have some strange interest in them that I don’t wish they’d have”, he sighed, feeling doubtful but trying not to suggest that he saw everyone in a negative light. He had a hard time trusting outsiders but that was natural to him, especially when he had been hunted for so long. Pulling the airship’s controls he slowly tried to manoeuvre around to the field, getting ready to shut everything off and drop the anchor seeing how there was nobody down there. “They might already be on their way so maybe we should wait…get a proper escort too”, he sighed, finding this all difficult to concentrate on while trying to make a decision like that, “Think they’ll be kind since we have new technology? If this returns with holes in it, I’m going to be in all sorts of trouble…”