[center][h3]Nicolas Grimmond, Clover Town[/h3][/center] As much as he wished they would, Nicolas wasn't so sure Trisana's cards would be of much help this time around. That fact was made evident when the demon sliced through one without even knowing it'd been coming at her. And he couldn't ask her to help any further because she had her own problems to deal with. [i]Why me?[/i] He questioned himself mentally as Invidia came at him once more spouting some nonsense about how she thought guild mages were supposed to be strong. Even as she came at him with the intent to cleave off his arm he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he attempted to move back. This was out of character, but he couldn't help it. "I'm sure a true guild mage is much stronger than I am, see as I'm not a guild mage yet." He said, just before he found himself falling backwards. The young girl had apparently taking his advice to stay behind him too literally. Without warning he was now on the floor. Even if the inntial strike from Invidia would have missed his arm he would certainly did if he didn't think of something. "I wish I could say I hate to disappoint, but I really don't." He manage to say before holding his hands out to form one of the same tomoe spheres of magic in front of him and the young girl he was now apparently guarding with his body. Hopefully she wasn't hurt. As far as the Tomoe went, there was a plan in mind. Nicolas was hoping that by forming it so abruptly she'd end up charging or maybe even falling into it, as he and the girl had fallen so suddenly in front of her. It was possible she'd trip or fall as well. And if she did, she'd find herself released in the air high above the battlefield. Yes. She'd fall from there. It might not have been much, but it would likely be much better than this close range which he was so utterly unprepared for. [i]What I wouldn't wish for an official guild to be here right now.[/i] He thought as he got himself as the girl to their feet in the case that this plan didn't work. At least he'd be more ready then.