Reina dropped her bags, looking on in shock at the sight before her. Just over the hill she found Clover Town wrecked and could hear screams even from where she was. "What is this...?" She was supposed to have a concert here tomorrow. She never expected to arrive to this. "How awful..." Clenching her hand she darted towards the town hoping to help. Entering the town and dancing around the rubble she soon came across the culprits of such destruction. A couple of demons were bearing down on a teen and his little sister. "Get away! Just leave us alone!!" The boys cries rang in Reina's ears like piercing howl. One of the demons lunged at them. "DON'T YOU DARE!!" The demon's claws came to a halt at the sound of Reina's voice. It turned to glare at her only to see a steel glare from her, all worry gone and replaced by fiery determination. "Come at me. Attack someone who can attack you back!" The demon growled and rushed her way bearing it's claws. Reina raised her leg and brought her foot down as heavy step. The demon closed in but to it's surprise it was hit and pushed back by an invisible force. Just as it recovered it's balance Reina was within it's guard. "Your bark is worse than your still doesn't compare to mine though. Sound Palm!" With a strike to the demon's abdomen the beast was sent flying by powerful soundwaves and into the nearest building. The other demon had circled around and was aiming at her back. Reina ducked it's claw and shot up flipping back and delivering a strong kick to the back of it's neck slamming the demon into the street. Assured it was out cold Reina rushed over to the two kids. "Hurry on, get out of here. I'll make the big bad monsters go away~" She said smiling at the little girl. "Thank you." Her older brother said and grabbed her hand and ran. Reina watched them until they were out of sight then turned hearing the sounds of fighting off in the distance. [i]I hope there's still time...[/i] She thought and trudged off in that direction.