[center][h3]Oram Hellios, Cedar Town[/h3][/center] "Tch... Dammit. It's so fucking annoying to have to deal with this shit after just completing a job." Oram sucked his teeth as he turned to face the demon. Apparently one had indeed been killed off. Well, that was more or less a fitting end for a demon. Still though this Vyper mage was... Wait. Did she just give him an order? "What the fuck gives you the idea that I'll take order's from you?" He asked annoyed just before she stripped. He blinked a few times. Two things came to his mind. First, he was right about her being the Vyper girl, named Gwen. The guild mark on her breast was evidence of that. The second thing was... [i]Weird...[/i] "That's new." He spoke shaking off the moment as he placed his hands into his pockets. He didn't mind leaving the heavy lifting to the big Vyper guy. And the girl seemed eager enough to handle it as well. Really with the arrival of the other guild mages he could have sneaked off. However, this was just too interesting. And he knew Alec would let him have it if he didn't stay and lend a hand in this mess. So that was just what he'd be doing. He didn't have anything better to do anyway. Though he could have done without the Vyper Exhibitionist giving him orders. "Gravity Fall." He said as he held up his right hand, his fingers spread apart as he walked forward. The gravity around the demon Avar, would soon begin to increase greatly. This probably wouldn't cause too much damage, but it'd sure begin to slow the little fuck down. Poor bastard. He used speed. That meant, a mage like Oram, someone who could take that speed away, was likely to be his worst nightmare.