Name:Peter S. Age:110? Type:Human(cursed skeleton/undead) Personality:bitter,depressed,often reminiscing of his life before he was cursed Likes:dry land,cityscapes,alcohol,really bad puns, Dislikes:coral,the ocean,sirens,and any creature that tries to inhabit his body or diving suit or grow on it. For example: a anemone,or barnacles. History:Peter was a diver for an early oceanic research team during the early 1900's. He was diving in an untouched coral reef, when he accidentally broke a ceremonial conch shell, subsequently enraging its owners. The sirens who owned it cursed him to forever wander the ocean. Peter now searches for another ceremonial conch shell so that he may be able to finally rest in peace. Other:Before working as a diver, Peter was part of a town militia near the end of the Civil War. He is semi-skilled with flintlock weapons, and medium size knives or small daggers.