[color=orange]"Never?"[/color] She asked, looking down at the togepi from before. She bit her lip, in thought. Were baby pokemon rare to see? Or maybe it was just the sheer number of them? Still... She didn't see the value in it that Desmond seemed to see. She just saw a bunch of cute pokemon with nothing but love for the humans around them. [color=orange]"You chose to travel for research? Heh... You're better than me!"[/color] April told him and stood up, ready to head back to the kitchen, the pokemon following shortly behind her. [color=orange]"I don't have a real purpose to travel. I mean... I guess I do, it's just hard to say..."[/color] She explained, smiling at him, hoping he wouldn't ask any questions. She didn't need pity right now. Unlike him, traveling presented a challenge, a wall that she needed to climb over and she wasn't going to let it beat her. She listened to Desmond speak, a soft smile on her face, as she prepared the stew. [color=orange]"I can agree with that."[/color] She answered in turn, chuckling. [color=orange]"If you can't trust your pokemon, what kind of trainer are you really?"[/color] She asked, an amused look on her face. As the broth for the stew warmed up and the meat cooked, April turned to get the poke treats, smiling when the pokemon raced over from whatever they were doing. Looking over at Desmond, she asked, [color=orange]"Want to give them some too?"[/color] She held up the small poke treats, grinning like a school girl.