[Center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/221/8/a/alpaca_by_kenneos-d5agv4k.png[/img] [b]"My family is out there, somewhere. And so is that stupid Stork!"[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Heena [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Species:[/b] Alpaca [b]Personality:[/b] Brave and adventurous, Heena tends to be the first to step forward in any situation, no matter how bleak or hopeless it might seem. Charging ahead with the mindset that she can succeed when confronted with any challenge. She is generally accepting of others, able to show a smile and some happiness when around anyone she likes. Though she has some inner conflicts considering who she is, she doesn't often speak of them to others, as she doesn't like to appear weak in any regard as she thinks it clashes with her current self. [b]Likes:[/b] - Flowers - Romantic Stories - Spitting - Anything Sour - Exploration - Companionship [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Whining/Complaining - Hunger Pains - Puns - Heights - Perverts - Small, Enclosed Spaces - People Who Suggest For Her To Shave - Squirrels - Nicknames [b]History:[/b] Raised by a family of Llama's due to being delivered to the incorrect location by a shoddy Stork, Heena lived most of her life wrapped in a lie. As she grew up, she found herself with much more hair than anyone else in her family; She was shorter in every regard, and found herself spitting all over the place awkwardly during dinner. It didn't add up, at least to her. It wasn't until the age of sixteen that she confronted her parents about it and was given the horrible truth; They confirmed her thoughts, telling her she was, in fact, not a Llama. It was only a few days after that she felt the urge to leave. Knowing that she had a family out there that she never got to know was shocking, and she knew she had to find them in order to clear up who she really was. Though it worried her somewhat; What would this family think of her once she found them? It was, honestly, a little scary. But that certainly wouldn't stop her from finding them, no matter what the cost. [b]Other:[/b] - Heena can spit farther than almost any other creature. - Heena can spit out acidic stomach substances, which are not only disgusting, but also can burn depending on what she last ate. - Heena's hindlegs are fairly strong, and it will hurt if she kicks you.[/center]