WIP [center][h2][i]Hokksulgug[/i][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/slaanesh_banner_web_zpsb529ae82_recolor_zps0aiwe5ur.png~original[/img][/center] [hider=NATIONAL] -[b]Capital[/b]: Ushyaegug Ushyaegug is the oldest of Hokksulgug's cities, and also the most bewildering. Kam Haennon's spires stab into the sky, which is a perpetual flow of colors, like an aurora. The colors are ever-changing, and some practice a form of divination using the hues and shapes above to glimpse at the future's possibilities. Ushyaegug is built into the side of a mountain, which gives the paths and elevation of its streets some degree of unpredictability. Rock formations stretch from the edges of smoothed, man-made roads and structures, giving it a contrast between nature's primal character and a refined, civilized artistry. Every structure is wrought from ebony stone, tall, phallic towers of varying height that seem to dot the city with little rhyme or reason to the proximity between them. In contrast to their dour appearance on the outside, the interiors of Ushyaegug's structures are dazzlingly bright. Alabaster-white stone lines the walls and floor, inlaid with golden tiles and trimming that compose elaborate patterns. Hokksulgugae architecture emphasizes tall ceilings and liberal use of columns. The streets are kept lit by rows of man-sized crystals, suspended several feet from the ground. The entrance to Ushyaegug by sea is enveloped to the north and south by great strips of jagged land, which protrude from the peninsula's mainland. The natural structure, as well as the body of water within is referred to as "The Maw." Trade ships coming from and going to the Dominion use this route extensively. On either side of the entrance to Ushyaegug stand two enormous colossi. On the left stands Sung Huk-Po, the first Daekuang of Hokksulgug. Opposite of him, the form of the Dominion's Divine King stretches his sword into the sky. -[b]Government Type[/b]: Absolute Monarchy - Hokksulgug is ruled by a monarch referred to as the Daekuang, meaning "The Anointed." Each Daekuang is both the chief executive of the state and the intermediary between its patron Koguchyeol, of the Red Pantheon, and the people. -[b]Currency[/b]: Kwon -[b]Population[/b]: 4.4 million Hokksulgugae and slaves -[b]Realm Size[/b]: Major Kingdom -[b]Unique Trait #1[/b]: Seat of the Gods – The center of Hokksulgug is the spiritual - and sometimes literal - domain of several Red Pantheon entities, and their lordship over its people has no doubt directly influenced the history and culture of the peninsula. These entities are the defacto figureheads and deities of Hokksulgug’s people, and make regular appearances in their daily lives. Thanks to the counsel of their gods, Hokksulgug’s leaders have enjoyed their primordial knowledge and utilized their advice to the benefit of the realm. -[b]Unique Trait #2[/b]: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing) -[b]Unique Flaw #1[/b]: (Created by the player, needs to be approved by me) -[b]Unique Flaw #2[/b]: Here there be Monsters – Because the barrier between the physical and immaterial planes happens to be weak within Hokksulgug, its borders are prone to the incursions of daemons, rouge spirits and minor Red Pantheon entities. Some enter the world of mortals out of curiosity, others venture out with more malicious intent. Hokksulgug’s people must be prepared to display either humility or force, depending on the nature of the entities they meet. Foreigners must adapt quickly or risk befalling a terrible fate in a strange land. -[b]International Relations[/b]: Antian Dominion – Trade, military alliance Drathan Union - Trade, military alliance Karkarth – Trade Otnemarcasan Ithicists – Trade, military aid [/hider] [hider=GEOGRAPHICAL] [hider=World-Realm Map] [Orange] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gldaIwV.png[/img] [/hider] -[b]Geographical Trait[/b]: (created by me in consultation w/ you. Applies to nations adjacent to the Plague Lands.) -[b]Geographical Flaw[/b]: Due to the harsh climate of the peninsula, Hokksulgug has a difficult time growing substantial amounts of food. As a result, it relies greatly on importation and sea-based foods. -[b]Internal-Realm Map[/b]: (A zoomed in map of your controlled blocks and major cities/castles/locations within it. PLEASE NOTE: My map key zones are more like 'general guidelines' than a straitjacket. There are many different types of 'temperate' or 'desert' landscapes, for example, so please build on the general outline I gave w/ specifics. Make your region your own.) -[b]Major Cities[/b]: [i]Jangsul[/i] [i]Bakjae[/i] [i]Uhsan[/i] [i]Gorumyn[/i] [i]Yobugwo[/i] -[b]Major Castles[/b]: [i]Kam Haennon[/i] -[b]Buildings of Interest[/b]: -[b]Geographic Features of Interest[/b]: Mugusang (See Holy Sites) [/hider] [hider=RACIAL] -[b]Majority Race[/b]: Hokksulgug’s inhabitants refer to themselves as Hokksulgugae in their native tongue. They are a distinct human ethnic group that originated on the peninsula many thousands of years ago. -[b]Majority Race Appearance[/b]: Hokksulgugae bear a small resemblance to Jonites in that their ears have similar points, yet they do not share the same optical adaptations. Their skin is fair and their hair is usually dark and sleek in texture. Hokksulgugae have relatively flat faces, with narrow eyes and strong cheekbones. Many have features that are reminiscent of some ethnic groups within the western regions of the Otnemarcasan Empire. -[b]Minority Races[/b]: Hokksulgug has tiny representations of Antian and Otnemarcasan Humans, and Vaelie within its borders. Most of these individuals are there on business-related ventures, or are occupied with scholarly pursuits. A Drathan enclave exists in the capital, which conducts magical research with the aid of Hokksulgugae sorcerers. Beastmen -[b]Minority Race Characteristics[/b]: See respective nation sheets for humans. [i]Beastmen of Hokksulgug[/i]: The man-animal hybrids which dwell across the Hokksulgugae peninsula are anything but natural creatures. Birthed from the overflow of raw chaos matter, beastmen are quite literally the children of the Red Spirits. They make their homes at the edges of Hokksulgugae civilization, forming distinct bands under the leadership of an alpha; usually the strongest and largest of their kind. Their mutated forms appear savage, although belie a human intellect. Coupled with animal cunning and the physical might their forms offer them, the beastmen are a formidable race. Most beastmen shy from the affairs of the Hokksulgugae and humans, although it is a fool who ventures into their territory unarmed. They are content to roam in their packs and fight one another for dominance over territory, and the favor of their Red patrons. However, because of their origins, beastmen have an innate empathy for the Pantheon, and willingly pledge their allegiance to champions who are looked on with favor by the Spirits, irregardless of race. The Hokksulgugae use this to their advantage - when the Daekuang calls his people to arms, there is undoubtedly a number of beastmen willing to swell the ranks. Beastman herds make camp in deep, isolated sections of forests, caves, wherever a semblance of secrecy can be found. These dwellings offer the herds temporary homes, as they move from one to another after hunting the surrounding areas clean. The migration of herds often means that they come into contact with each other, at which point they may battle for choice territory. Though they live in distinct communities, the herds are all beholden to certain traditions spanning since their spawn at the hands of the Pantheon. Although they clash with one another and are quite satisfied doing so, there are times where multiple herds must join together, either to face a common threat or pay tribute to their patrons in great festivities. Great monolithic slabs of stone are dotted around the wilderness. Engraved in the surface are the names of great champions of the beastmen who have passed into legend, and so are the tales of their deeds. When the leader of a herd wishes to assemble other herds, he gathers at one of these historical and spiritual markers, lighting a great fire to attract them. His followers bray and beat their drums, guiding the beastmen of other communities to the herdstone. The leader of the herd then explains the reason for calling the assembly to the other alphas of the herds, who decide among themselves whether the call is justified, and if so, discuss their plans for whatever endeavors they might face. Their followers busy themselves with feasting, dance and song, wild and primal in form. Rowdy sport has a habit of escalating into fights, although bloodletting is forbidden while these assemblies are called - a tradition respected by all beastmen. Battles for dominance of a herd, or even an entire band of herds for a duration of an expedition is decided by ritual combat - only weapons and fists are forbidden. All challengers have their hands tied behind their backs, and take part in a melee of headbutting to decide a victor. The last one standing is considered the victor, so long as he did not shrink from his part in the contest. Naturally, those beastmen blessed with the sturdiest horns and skulls have a distinct edge. Not all beastmen are born with horns. The higher tiers of beastman society is dominated by horned subspecies, who bear the likeness of goats or bovines. These beastmen are often the largest in physical structure, taking great pride in both their build and their bony crowns. Many decorate their horns with paint and baubles, working elaborate patterns onto their length. They also often have the lower legs of the creatures their heads resemble, although due to the unpredictable nature of the immaterium, may be born with a number of other mutations. Subservient to the horned caste are sub-species of beastmen born without horns. Other than this trait, they are seldom much different in appearance; usually smaller in stature. It is rare that non-horns rise to positions of authority, although not unheard of. The horned elite isn't at all fond of being ordered around by one not blessed with a natural crown. [/hider] [hider=RELIGION & MAGIC] -[b]State Religion[/b]: Hokksulgug has always been guided by its submission to the Red Pantheon. Although it maintains a close relationship to several gods, the throne’s chief patron is an entity which goes by the name of Koguchyeol; also referred to as the Dweller Under the Mountain and the Lord of Twelve Abysses. -[b]Religious Information[/b]: [i]Koguchyeol[/i]: Koguchyeol is one of the Red Pantheon's chief patrons and is said to command a great many vassal-entities, including ninety-six legions of daemons. Koguchyeol is only able to manifest in the mortal world when summoned at the behest of Hokksulgug's Daekuang. This summoning is done traditionally each time a new Daekuang is crowned, and thereafter on special holidays, or in times of need. Hokksulgug takes great care not to abuse Koguchyeol's summoning rituals, and only call upon its patron when necessary. While not summoned to the mortal plane as an avatar, Koguchyeol is still able to communicate with the Daekuang, but seldom anyone else. Among his adherents, Koguchyeol is known for being sophisticated and astute in his interactions with mortals. He finds sport in the wants and struggles of the earthly races, but rarely intervenes directly. Instead, he acts through intermediaries, be they loyal mortals or lesser entities which can more readily enter the earthly plane. He is known for having a great quantity of knowledge, of both the material and immaterial. This causes him to be sought by many who believe his knowledge will contribute to their benefit. He does not give away what he knows easily, however, and usually not without a favor in return. Hokksulgug’s patron enjoys sacrificial offerings, which are executed during calendrical rites and on an as-needed basis, determined by the Daekuang and his peers. While Koguchyeol is generally aloof and unconcerned about the welfare of earthly races, he has a peculiar sentiment for the Hokksulgugae. Hokksulgug's pact with Koguchyeol is perhaps the reason why it was able to withstand the Dominion after its secession and exhibit an unforseen growth in strength since then. [i]Soyeori[/i]: Hokksulgug reveres Soyeori as a patron of ambition, and look to her for guidance and success in many endeavors. This includes political and military matters, as her sphere of influence is also thought to include murder and deception. Soyeori's influence in the mortal plane is perhaps less restrained than Koguchyeol's, as she does not require summoning explicitly by the Daekuang's hand, and more often involves herself in earthly matters. Like Koguchyeol, she enjoys spectating the affairs of men, but takes a more active role in interfering with them. Devotees of Soyeori find her domain to be seductive, and the gains to be had from her allignment entice many to flock to her temples. Hokksulgugae attributes much of its strength to Soyeori, as her hand in mortal affairs is seen as a test of sorts, which strengthen them and instill readiness for future hardships. It is said when the Hokksulgugae race was still young, Soyeori embellished them with aspirations necessary to grow into a true civilization. More to come... -[b]Religion Demographics[/b]: -[b]Holy Relics In Possession[/b]: -[b]Holy Sites Under Control[/b]: Mugusang is the name of the most famous volcano within Hokksulgug, located within its Cheondol region at the country’s center. Mugusang erupts only when Koguchyeol materializes in the physical world by incantation. It is the tallest mountain in Hokksulgug, its conical mass dwarfing all others that dot its landscape. The mountain is frequently visited as a pilgrimage site, and many offerings are laid out at its shrine. -[b]Magical Schools and Curriculum[/b]: See Cultural Notes. [/hider] [hider=MILITARY] -[b]Total Military Size[/b]: Estimates put Hokksulgug’s active-duty personnel at around 90,000; not including beastman or daemonic allies, or slaves. -[b]Military Details[/b]: [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/1039892_474181969337630_1776614317_o_zpssnkdrnkp.jpg~original[/img] Hokksulgug’s military follows a similar style of organization to that of the Antian Dominion’s, although the equipment and style of warfare it employs differs significantly. A moderate percentage of the soldiery is comprised of veterans that have fought in the Dominion-Imperium wars, on behalf of its former parent nation. The military is voluntary, although some non-combat roles that require physical activity, like oarsmen and engineers, are performed by slaves. Otherwise, slaves are never permitted to bear arms, except in uncommon circumstances. [i]Foot Soldiers:[/i] A soldier’s armor consists of a lamellar or chain shirt, worn under a loose-fitting tunic. Fitted above these layers are a steel cuirass, vambraces, greaves, shoulder plates and an open-faced helmet with cheek protectors. It is often the case that armor bears elaborate trimming, commonly with motifs associated with Koguchyeol. Tunics are predominately warm shades – reds, oranges and yellows are the most widespread. Although shields, spears and swords have been integral pieces of a soldier’s equipment since earliest days of civilization, in this day in age huge priority has been given to gunpowder weaponry. Hokksulgug maintains vast stocks of firearms and a great percentage of its soldiery is dedicated to their use. Like their Dominion counterparts, Hokksulgugae gunners used firearms to great effect against the heavily armored knights and men-at-arms of the Somnus Imperium. Their ease of use and destructive power against massed troops sparked an enthusiasm that continues to this day. The Hokksulgugae have experimented with techniques to increase the effectiveness of their guns, including sequential firing techniques to ensure constant streams of bullets, lacquerware boxes to protect the firing mechanism from rain, and measuring systems to allow for accurate fire at night by the use of strings. Various calibers have been developed, with larger projectiles designed for greater lethality. Despite the lethality and damage to morale firearms are capable of, conventional arms are still a necessity. The majority of foot soldiers wield spears and hooked polearms, along with round shields affixed to the arm, and swords with gently curved blades. Crossbows and recurves compliment their black powder counterparts, making up for the inaccuracy of guns at range. [i]Cavalry:[/i] Hokksulgug’s wild terrain negates most of the advantages of cavalry, so more emphasis is placed on blocks of infantry; yet this doesn’t completely discourage mounted warriors in its armies. The Hokksulgugae found that mounted charges were very capable given the right battlefield conditions, and riders could strike down on other soldiers with some advantage. A number of units are trained in the way of the saddle, but are also expected to fight as regular infantry if the circumstances demand. Perhaps most renowned of all Hokksulgug’s soldiery are its Hyeokchongul – heavily-armored warriors who ride on enormous constructs of metal beasts. These mounts are the unnatural product of imported Jahun-ka ebonsteel and Hokksulgugae sorcery. The metal is pounded into parts that when put together, resemble a giant bull. Sorcerers then graft ancient magic into the plate, forging the constructs into living creatures of ebonsteel. They are rare and highly-prized, most owned privately by nobles or respected veterans. When Hokksulgug is called to war, these Hyeokchongul will band together, driven by a lust to smash their ensorcelled steeds into the ranks of the enemy and see them gored beneath hooves like anvils. [hider=Hyeokchongul][img] http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/Skullcrusher_zps7twa46em.png [/img][/hider] [hider=Hyeokchongul during the war against Justinian-controlled Somnus][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/tumblr_msjunrCO121rn2yg0o1_1280_zpsgrxgkcoe.jpg~original[/img][/hider] [i]Navy:[/i] Hokksulgug's main class of warship is constructed of pine for the hull and oak for masts and pegs. Plates of iron wind around the frame to protect it against arrows and cannon. These ships are simple in design, but structurally sound and well-suited to the rough tides of Hokksulgug's waters. U-shaped hulls and flat keels enable them great range of mobility, able to change direction quickly at sharp angles. They are propelled both by sails and oars, manned by slave crews which are drugged to ensure efficiency and maintain rowing rhythm. The rowing slaves are sandwiched between the main and upper decks, positioned to avoid enemy fire. Sails both on the fore and aft can be easily managed by the crew so that their angles can take advantage of both adverse and favorable wind. The upper deck is manned by the soldiery, giving them a high vantage point from which to attack other vessels with arrows or guns. At the center of the ship is a simple tower, from which commanders relay orders to the crew. These warships can carry an excess of 26 cannons; the largest complement of guns that has been recorded was 50. The smaller variants reach 70 feet in length, with the largest reaching 120 feet. A second type of warship is the turtle ship, in which the upper deck is covered with wooden planks and a layer of iron plate to deflect projectiles. Cruel spikes jut up from the plating, discouraging boarding attempts and making access from the top impossible. Rows of portholes on each side and two at the front and rear allow for cannons to strike in all directions. The bow of these ships bear elaborate daemon heads, which act as spouts for incendiary weaponry to demoralize enemies and set ships alight. In some cases, the mouth of the head might house an extra cannon instead. A plow is also affixed to the front, as these ships are capable of ramming vessels, all the while hurling cannon shot at their stunned foes. [i]Artillery:[/i] Warships are armed with different types of cannons, varying in caliber and capable of firing different kinds of projectiles, from round shot to great, iron-finned darts. Such darts are favored ammunition, as they have much greater accuracy than cannonballs while capable of the same destructive power. Stationed on the upper deck are smaller breech-loading swivel guns, manned by a single soldier. The Hokksulgugae utilize a unique loading method to achieve greater range and penetrating power by using wooden blocks and paper as wadding. The Hokksulgugae are also fond of cart-based artillery, consisting of a board with as many as 200 holes, through which fire arrows are launched. The projectiles feature tubes of gunpowder affixed to the shaft, and can consistently reach distances upwards of 450 meters. Tests reveal that the arrows are capable of piercing through scarecrows fitted with full armor at 100 meters. The coverage of the storm of arrows makes them exceptionally useful against densely-packed formations. Hokksulgugae artillery is commonly used as defensive measures in fortresses, but has also seen use offensively on ships and on land. WIP [/hider] [hider=NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE] -[b]Head of State/Monarch[/b]: Daekuang Jeong Yaewoon IV [hider=Image][img]https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/307/734/large/michael-chang-kings-pets-finale.jpg?1416321792[/img][/hider] -[b]Ruling Dynasty[/b]: The Jeong -[b]Constable of the Army[/b]: Lee Heibing [hider=Image][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/4564f2f3-cb2d-4cbe-9d4e-54f355e8a44d_zpsbl3u516e.jpg~original[/img][/hider] -[b]Religious Head[/b]: -[b]Persons of interest[/b]: [i]Gim Ki-joon[/i]: Ki-joon is the noble in charge of the Bangwudo Island Garrison, and the joint-colonization project between the Hokksulgugae and the Ithicists. He is a stern military and administrative commander, although finds it in himself to exhibit more noble qualities than usual in the average Hokksulgugae. He has since lost his entire soldiery, and a route off the Bangwudo Islands, to a corrupted spirit. In the aftermath, he has made a pact with the Ithicist deity Narai to protect Lady Kau Rong during her battle with the spirit. [hider=Image][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/akodo_nobu_by_diegogisbertllorens-d5pgtin_zps9rwjzss8.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Seung Choi[/i]: Choi is a minor noble of House Seung; one of Hokksulgug's many aristocratic families. Like the rest of his kind, he has lived under the shadow of the gods and both venerates and fears the power they are capable of. Choi is particularly devoted to Soyeori, who counts him among her favorite mortals. It is his relationship with his patron that drove him to venture from the peninsula and find glory in the Othnemarcasan Empire. There he hopes to attract greater favor from Soyeori in feats of might at the expense of the Sibyttes. [hider=Image][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/378489_372589542830207_1900311494_n_zpsmgvngi8v.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=CULTURAL] [hider=Simplified Timeline] [u](Some 2000 years ago):[/u] -Dominion precursor states rise - Three militant kingdoms worshiping Red Gods -"Great Warlord" aims to unite kingdoms in set of conquests; makes pact with unknown entity to do so; Hokksulgug sides with the GW in the subsequent civil wars -Unification results in Dominion's establishment; massacre of Jonites takes place; Great Warlord now known as Divine King -Divine King falls to his son's ambitions; mass revolt; son calls for compromise and forms council of the people [u](500s):[/u] -Ya'huanism adopted as Dominion state religion; none are forced to convert, but Hokksulgug is disappointed [u](Years 450-439):[/u] -Dominion crusades on Drathan Lords but fails as the Drathans "poisoned the minds of the Eastern Dominion with promises from the Red Pantheon" - Eastern Dominion becomes Somnus Empire and attacks Dominion -As Yuwanism grows stronger in the Dominion, the influence of the Red Pantheon wanes; Hokksulgug secedes and continues following its Red Pantheon roots; preserves memory of DK -Years of warring and broken treaties between Dominion and Imperium; Hokksulgug invaded by former parent state, only to be saved by a chance Somnus offensive -Hokksulgug makes pact with Koguchyeol to rise from ashes of defeat; experiences great prosperity over next several decades -Hokksulgug and Dominon make reparations; peninsula recognized as sovereign state [u](Years 189-181):[/u] -Justinian unites the East, invades the Dominion; Hokksulgug and Drathans come to Dominion's aid; Justinian's conquest fails and armistice is created [u](Years 20-18):[/u] -Imperium starts to crumble from within; Dream Plague born; Dominion capitalizes on Imperium's weakness and invades, resulting in its surrender; Hokksulgug aids Dominion in this endeavor -Dominion witnesses Plague first-hand, evacuates refugees, walls are built to stave off its effects. Hokksulgug withdraws from plaguelands upon witnessing its affect on Somnus; Koguchyeol discloses plague secrets to Hokksulgug's aristocracy [/hider] [hider=History] Hokksulgug was once a province of the Antian Dominion centuries ago, when the worship of the Red Pantheon was its state religion. At this time the province was akin to a religious capital - the Pantheon received great favor from its devotees and many would travel frequently to shrines maintained on the peninsula. But the Dominion’s integrity was challenged by a great civil war, born out of opulence and trivial quarreling. Hokksulgug found itself clashing with other provinces it had once stood alongside as friends. By the pandemonium was brought to an end by the Great Warlord, Hokksulgug was exhausted, though it had contributed to his victory. This Divine King held the once-fractious provinces together, and soon more land was pressed under the Dominion’s thumb. The Divine King would fall, however, to the machinations of his own blood. His son claimed the throne over his dead father’s body, yet the masses would not have such a kinslayer for a king. Hokksulgug seethed with the hate of its people, once proud followers of the Divine King. Blood must be answered with blood! In a desperate effort to reconcile with his subjects, the betrayer-king called for peace and brought together a council of the Dominion’s representatives. For a while, this achieved peace among the fractious provinces. After many centuries, Ya’huanism began to snowball throughout the Dominion, replacing faith in its Red Gods. The influence of the pantheon waned as large sums of the population converted. Hokksulgug announced its disapproval at the change. It would not see the Dominion’s former glory tarnished by new gods. Carrying on the memory of the Divine King and steadfast in its Pantheon faith, Hokksulgug declared itself an independent state. Too occupied with its war effort against the Imperium to adequately respond, the Dominion allowed the peninsula to slip away from its jurisdiction. When the Dominion and its Somnus Imperium adversary decided to cut their losses with a peace accord, Hokksulgug found itself on its former kingdom’s agenda. The Dominion launched an invasion on the peninsula, with the intent of retaking the province it had lost. Hokksulgug could not adequately match the vast armies of the Dominion, and the fighting greatly favored its former kingdom. On the eve of defeat, Hokksulgug was spared by a timely invasion – the Somnus Empire had broken the peace treaty, carrying war to the Dominion once again. The Dominion’s armies were recalled, and Hokksulgug was once again left on its own. This Dominion-Imperium War gave the Hokksulgugae breathing room to rebuild. Over the span of several decades, the peninsula developed a culture very distinct from its Dominion neighbors, and replaced its losses with fresh armies, heeding the lessons learned from its past. At some point during these years, Hokksulgug renewed an ancient pact with the throne’s patron Koguchyeol, to which it owes much of its prosperity. Eventually, reparations were made between Hokksulgug and its former parent state. The Dominion formally recognized it as an independent, sovereign state, renouncing further attempt to reintegrate it under its rule. Hokksulgug found an opportunity to express its gratitude by aiding it in a defense against the Somnus Imperium some two-hundred years ago. This invasion, orchestrated by Justinian himself, saw fierce fighting and many casualties on behalf of both sides. With the combined force of the Dominion, Hokksulgug and Drathan Union, Justinian's conquest was brought to a standstill. More recently, only a few decades ago, the armies of Hokksulgug lent aid to their neighbor a second time. The hosts of the Dominion and Hokksulgug capitalized on the decay engulfing the Imperium, unaware of the true source of the corruption. Hokksulgug’s elite held much of the northern border in time for the Dominion to strike from the south, putting the nail in the coffin of the Imperial war machine. Following this victory, the source of the Imperium’s collapse was revealed to the alliance – A plague unearthly and hellish had brought ruin to the once-great nation. Forgetting the war, friend and foe brought innumerable refugees to safety, leaving behind the doomed lands of the Imperium. Having played its part, Hokksulgug withdrew its forces to the peninsula, trying to fathom what sort of affliction had been unleashed on the world. -[b]List of Historical Grievances[/b]: Although tensions have since given way to a strong alliance, Hokksulgug and the Dominion have had a bloody past. Hokksulgug has aided the Dominion on more than one occasion in fighting the Somnus Imperium and defending the West against Justinian aggression.[/hider] [hider=Cultural Notes] Hokksulgugae hold most foreign races with some degree of distaste, if not contempt. As a collective, they are self-centered and disinclined towards other peoples. While it is suspect they share a genetic lineage with the average human, there is little scholarly evidence to either prove or deny this claim, and Hokksulgugae do not perceive them on equal terms. Their dealing with other races is generally limited to trade and understatement. As a peninsular nation, Hokksulgug is a source of many unique goods that cannot be found elsewhere, yet it also requires the import of resources that are unavailable within its land. Despite its perception of non-Hokksulgugae, increased contact with foreigners has led to climbing demands for imported, exotic goods. Individualism is a highly-propagated facet of Hokksulgugae society, while social collectivism appears to be eschewed. Hokksulgugae regard each other by degrees of categorization, which include: familial bonds, respective social standing, sorcerous prowess and aristocratic membership. They do not make "friends" or "enemies" in the traditional sense, but perceive others as relative to certain standards. Although individualist mentality is a pervasive aspect of Hokksulgugae culture, it gives way to a sense of underlying loyalty to Hokksulgug's leaders, its policies and its integrity, under the certain circumstances. A Hokksulgugae has never been recognized to submit his/her loyalty to a non-Hokksulgugae by virtue of an integral obedience to Hokksulgug's throne. While below the aristocracy, individuals may compete among themselves for greater gain, none are so maverick as to forget their place under the throne. In regards to change, the average Hokksulgugae exhibits conservatism. This can be attributed to millennia of fixed traditions, of which have been continuously observed by society over generations. These traditions and social rituals keep the individualism of Hokksulgugae society in check. The denizens of Hokksulgug's upper class, and especially Ushyaegug, are diverse in their appearances and mannerisms. The Hokksulgugae strive to maintain unique impressions, most noticeably in their choice of dress and grooming. Very few outfits will look exactly alike, and they range from fairly modest to unabashed in what they reveal. Gaudy jewelry pieces are prized for presenting interesting geometric motifs, often worked into hairpieces. Piercings are not uncommon either, many of which actually hold attire in place. Yet for all their pomp, Hokksulgugae dress varies little in color palette. Most garments are trimmed in gold threads with fabric of either black, white, muted shades of warm hues, purple, or a combination of these. More attention is given to the silhouettes of the clothing against bare flesh and the spectacularlity of ornamentation. Hokksulgug's monarchs, despite being hereditary in lineage, have traditionally and near-exclusively been sorcerers. All pureblood Hokksulgugae have the capacity to practice magic in some form, although are usually restrained to very basic and unsophisticated sorcery. The aristocratic class exhibits great mastery over sorcerous arts, which is both a source of pride and social standing. Well over four fifths of Hokksulgugae magic is committed to the summoning of extraplanar entities. Because of the peninsula's weak barrier between planes, its inhabitants interact with the Red Pantheon and beings from other realms much more frequently than most societies. A great deal of Hokksulgugae aristocrats maintain close relationship with one or several of these entities, whom they bargain with for aid and services. Many pacts enjoyed by sorcerers today have been generational, made at some point in history far down the family line. The most well-regarded sorcerers have a collection spells in their repertoire of a summoning nature, able to call on a wide range of entities. Other spells, while less emphasized than summoning sorcery, are practiced by Hokksulgugae sorcerers. These include elemental, scrying and clairvoyance magics. The Hokksulgugae are experienced slavers, a practice which although seems loathsome to foreign peoples, has been traditionally accepted and practiced on the peninsula for many generations. Hokksulgug's slaves have been commonly conscripted from prisoner stock in wartime, or captured from foreign vessels unlucky enough to have stumbled into its territorial waters without notice. Slaves are also brought in from other nations which participate in their trade. Most of the current slave stock in Hokksulgug has been the product of generational breeding over many years. Hokksulgugae have even been known to capture beastmen and lesser races from other planes and incorporate them into bondage. Slaves are tasked with menial jobs and those regarded as socially beneath their rulers. This leaves the Hokksulgugae to pursue more scholarly and "refined" interests. Slaves are often drugged or have their state of minds altered by sorcery in order to make them more efficient. In other cases, particularly attractive slaves might find themselves as personal attendants or akin to family pets. [/hider] [/hider] [center][i][h3]To Koguchyeol and the Daekuang! To Hokksulgug, long may she stand![/h3][/i] [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/10873384_771387182950439_1542075329514847844_o_zpsjcknc39w.jpg~original[/img][/center]