[@PrincessOfNothing] Alice probably wouldn't have a callsign, everyone would probably refer to her as "Alice", seeing as "Alice" is likely a backronym/nickname for some long winded military designation. I'm not sure how I feel about a "temper" being installed on an Artificial Intelligence- a desire for physical violence and aggression seems rather sociopathic, and its doubtful that a designer would purposely make a sociopathic AI. Also, while I can appreciate a well written physical description, I'd still like an image reference if at all possible. Character history is fine, though keep in mind that anything that can be learned via studies or textbook is just installed into Alice's memory. She'd likely have no need to 'learn' history, strategy, or military science, as a programmer would likely just put that knowledge into her system to begin with. Things your AI would have to learn would be the nuances of social interaction and so forth. Regarding your MAS, funny enough, I was about to use that same image for the Shrike. Your rifle, which I assume is a ballistic weapon is 5 WT 2 PWR, instead of 5 WT 5 PWR, despite its dual firing modes. Also include ammo counts for each. Missile launchers are 3 WT 2 PWR, not 3 PWR. The upgraded targeting suite is redundant and unnecessary. While a human pilot may find use of its enhanced abilities, an AI, with its inherent mathematical genius- which includes the knowledge of various spacial sciences, ballistics, and probabilities- would probably find the targeting suite unnecessary. With the Improved Reactor upgrade your MAS will be carrying 1 too much weight, and its probably unnecessary as I've just saved you 7 units of power to spend how you like.