When the meeting was over Eli started to looking back on the events that happened just since ha had been state side. He had confirmed that Ruby was alive and seemed well. She was terrified of him and rightly so. With that conformation came the wondering what the people would do. The coffee shop showed him that people still remembered what he did and the horrific things he did. If Ruby came to light, what would the public do? The government couldn't really do anything outside of watching his every move and try to get him on taxes or some silly shit. His was face was out there now, people knew what he did and what he looked like. Baba Yaga used to put the fear into people now it was Elijah Craig. It was still a little lost on him. Just how people feared him, it was gonna take some getting used too. This was stressful, he never really had the urge to murder or hurt anyone. Most people thought of him ass a blood thirsty taker of souls. He just did what he thought was right, his version of right was admittedly more often than not extreme. What he really needed was  to get out of his own head, there had been a lot of looking and self reflection. Most people thought of this as a good thing. Elijah never looked back, there was little else but a trail of bodies behind him. Eli was currently en route to his new found home, one provided by Stewie. He was being driven by someone in a suite, Eli didn't know if it was a man or women, he was too wrapped up in what was going on in his own mind. Frustrated by the events and the shit he was just brought into, he decided that a trip somewhere decent was in order. "Driver." Elijah spoke up, his tone was cold and tired. "Take us to the nearest thrift store and give me your sunglasses." The driver complied wordlessly, Eli was started to wonder if they gave this person an order not to talk for fear of Eli getting too pissed. The first thing Eli noticed was the drivers sharp but soft eyes, it was a woman no doubt about it. When the driver pulled up the store he jumped out without a word. A few minutes late he returned with a somewhat ratty baseball hat and different pair of sunglasses, tossing the original pair of glasses back to the driver. "Thank you for the use of those, now the nearest park. I need to blow off some steam." Eli had spoke in a tone that commanded attention and power. The driver somehow or another seemed to miss that. "I was told to-" Eli sharply cut her off. "I. Don't. Care. Park. Now." The driver tensed up, Eli was long past figuring out this girls deal. Soon after they pulled into a park, it was different from any that he had seen in LA. Its not like he had spent any time in parks before, but he always did like the outdoors and camping was an all time favorite past time. Just the same he got out of the long wheel based car. It screamed money and opulence from the outside, he should pay attention to the insides next time. "You coming?" He said to his driver, both of them knowing it wasn't a question or a request. They walked without a word between them being said. It didn't bother Eli nearly as much as the driver, she was completely uncomfortable with the silence. They walked down a path which lead a small pounding. He couldn't help but smile at what he saw there. A giant owl like man and young girl sitting on some grass. There was a third, a blond woman who walked not like a normal person, but like tiger stalking its prey. The Owl was dressed to the nines. Tailored suit, top hat, Eli couldn't see if he had shoes or more massive talons. He'd hope they were really nice shoes. Eli knew what this man or woman was. The meta part was out there in the open, that was easy to see. What wasn't easy to see was this was a man had seen some horrible times. It was clear to Eli by the way he interacted with the kid. Every movement was slow a methodical, he made sure not to do anything that would scare her. Behind whatever had happened Eli was pretty sure that this was kind hearted soul, who was at the core everything Elijah couldn't be. Though he would never admit it, Eli was in complete and total admiration of this guy. People often feared what they don't understand. Its what lead to the events of five years ago. It was basic human nature. Eli never gave anything odd or different too much thought. Hell, he was at his core completely different from the rest of human kind. A guy that can burn north of 250 people alive and not a trace of PTSD or regret. Eli had the benefit of being able to hiding his ugliness and demons. This guy had no choice but to show it everyday. That fucking Dali Lama had gotten through to him. Eli turned to his driver, it was the first time he had an occasion or interest to look at her. An attractive woman about Eli's age maybe younger, short brown hair and sharp eyes. "You anything about the owl guy or the other two?" Eli asked with a small hint of curiosity as he walked to a nearby tree and took a seat in the shade, leaning against the tree. "The owl is known as Owlman and he works with the reformist council, he's something g of a celebrity around. Kids like him but most others are scared of him." She stated with a hint of reservation. Eli didn't speak for a minute, a wise man would have used that time to gather his thoughts and act accordingly. Eli however was watching the little girl, around the age of 15 or 16. The girl was cute but she looked like hell, worn out clothing and greasy hair. Like she was a child on her own or abused, he couldn't help but think of that last job he did where he had stomped a burning hole in man for molesting and raping some girls. It only pissed him off the more the he thought about. "Is it me or does that little girl look like a big steaming pile of dog shit?" Eli state with a bluntness that only he could pull off. The driver didn't know if she should or be offended. She tried to stammer her way to a response but after a few seconds she got cut off. "I hope no one was beating on that little girl. Think she needs help?" He asked softly while staring at the little girl. "I'm sure the Owlman will help her if she needs it. He's good at sort of thing." "Good." Eli replied. "What about that jackal lookin skank? You know it?" "Uh, no I don't. Mr. Craig, I was told to take you home." She said nervously. "We're gonna hang out here, till the skank leaves. Once she leaves... Maybe. Have a seat and watch, the skank moves like she's hunting, like a predator. The little girl will be bothered by her but the Owl won't mind because he wants to help the girl." Sure enough things played out the way he said. "How did you know that was gonna happen!?" She asked dumbfoundedly. "Stick around, that'll happen more than you'd like too admit. What the hell do they call you anyways?" " Eva Adams." "Well Eva Adams, sit down and shut up. You draw too much attention."