"Not by my choice." Diamond replied in kind, dropping her voice so that only Amy and her Vulcan hearing would notice, "And I never expected Diamond Frost to be [i]caught[/i] either." she hissed in annoyance. Her pride would probably never recover from that. She involuntarily shuddered. The teacher interrupted and apparently thought that the first part of them to be turned into jello would be legs. Oh well, she didn't exactly hate jogging, although she wished she brought her hat. The lack of the familiar weight on the top of her head was strange. "You know..." she spoke again as they went towards the line that marked the start, "have you ever thought of staying in the [i]employ[/i] of just one person? I certainly would have given you that spot." the redhead smirked as she got ready at the line, waiting for the clock to reach a full minute so she could time her run. "I still might, although I suppose you'd have to go through an [i]interview[/i]." she grinned. Just then the clock finally hit the mark and Diamond went ahead, leaving the company behind her. She finished in 10:56.