Truth is, John doe learnt English after spending 2 hours in a box full of English dictionaries, [b]Well, to be honest, I was born in a big Spaceship and I was kinda, you could say Fired.......out of an airlock[/b] John doe told the person, [b]I just spent the last uhmm, 10 maybe 20 years floating around in space until I just Slammed straight into this place[/b] And then john doe stood an his Hind legs, Towering over pretty much everyone except for a Giant who was well, gigantic [i]Oh hahaha nerm-[/i][i][b][u]shut up john doe[/u][/b][/i] John doe Smelt the area, and smelt a familiar smell, the smell of beer, John doe went ran straight towards the smell, Running past a unsuspecting person who was lucky enough to move away in time, and John doe Leaped through a window, smashing it in seconds and landing on a Bar, grabbing a Bottle of beer and opening it with his teeth, Almost breaking off the entire top of the beer, a white foam foaming at the top Pretty much everyone in the place was either running away in fear, except for one person, who had a heart attack Also the window magically fixed itself, cool right?