It was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain her faux-cold demeanor, and Cassie could feel the genuine smile and happiness growing as she continued to look at him. He was real, he was there. Adrian had come back. Six months of worrying and fretting all seemed to vanish in a moment. He had seemed a little surprised when he had first seen her, and Cassie's fingers brushed through her short hair almost instinctively.But he had started grinning as he continued to look at her, and Cassie felt her cheeks warm slightly when he told her that she looked amazing. "Yeah?" she asked, smiling up at him. She gave him another once over and tilted her head when she met he gaze again. "You don't look too bad yourself." Adrian launched into a recap, gesturing towards something behind him and Cassie noticed the strange blue box that had whisked him away all those months ago standing on he street in front of her house. He said that it was a time and space ship. The he owned a ship that could travel through time and space. Cassie's green eyes blinked. She hadn't been sure what she had been expecting, but she didn't think it was this. "Oh?" she asked, glancing at the box again. It didn't look like much, but she'd never forget how it had appeared and disappeared. She looked back at Adrian. "I love it when that happens." He braced himself against the top of the door frame, leaning in what she saw was supposed to be a casual manner. But Adrian had the nervous, twitchy, jittery quality that made casual almost impossible. The Adrian she had met had been a bit jumpy, as well, but that had probably been due to the amnesia and the getting chased around the city. This Adrian's nervous twitch seemed to be a natural part of him, as far as Cassie could see. He seemed to notice for the first time that the front of her house wasn't destroyed, and he happily deduced that she had coerced UNIT into repairing her house for her. Cassie grinned and shrugged. "Yeah, but it wasn't too hard. It was the least they could do for me after everything." She glanced behind her into the interior of her home. "It looks nice, huh?" Smiling, Cassie turned her head to look back up at him, and she saw that he seemed to be mulling over something. When he spoke again it was in an almost casual, almost suave tone. Almost. H was still a bit to jittery for that. Raising her eyebrows slightly, Cassie folded her arms and leaned against the frame as he spoke. By the time he was finished speaking Cassie had a surprised expression frozen on her face. It took a moment for her to speak. " want me to go with you? To travel through...time and space with you?" Cassie was not going to lie. She had wondered what would happen if Adrian ever came back, but time and space travel had never seemed to cross her mind. But now here it was, being presented to her. It was tempting. Unhappy and overworked barmaid Cassie wouldn't have even hesitated, but future librarian Cassie took a moment to consider. She wanted to go, that was a fact. She would love to grab his hand and run away with him into the unknowns of time and space. But it would be dangerous, unknown territory, and that was intimidating, she wouldn't deny it. She also was making plans for the future for the first time in years. She had a dream, she had goals, she had dinner plans with Martha and work tomorrow. She was finally in a good place. Did she want to run away from all of that? Put everything on hold? [i]It's a time machine, dummy[/i], she reminded herself. [i]I can ask him to bring me back yesterday, probably. This wouldn't be running away, just a little holiday. And when I get back everything will be just as I left it.[/i] She met his gaze again and looked at his smiling face for a moment. Cassie had missed him, and she didn't want to watch him disappear in him blue box again. Unless, of course, she disappeared right along side him. [i]"So, waddaya say?"[/i] he had asked her. And suddenly her mind was made up. "I...say..." Cassie closed her eyes for a moment, then met his gaze and smiled. "Yes." She couldn't hold herself back anymore, and Cassie had him wrapped in a hug in the blink of an eye. Her hear was racing in excitement, and she couldn't believe she was doing this. But she was and she wasn't going to turn back. After a moment she released him front the hug and took a step back, brushing her hair behind her ears and laughing a little. Her gaze moved to the box and she looked at it for a moment. "One question, though. How are we both going to fit in there? I know I'm small and everything, but it'll still be a pretty tight fit."