Maybe I should change Rose's powers to be a medic. My issue here is: Healers never worked back then anyway. If this is father back than clockwork, a doctor is the [i]least[/i] thing you want. Though, I do understand they're just bandages... and uh, those aren't likely to kill you. As for the whole guard thing, I'm staying out of that because I'm new, and I haven't read any posts prior to that one. Oh, and back to my own ego, I've finished my PM to you Ellri for when you're ready to respond. I've changed a few things, as well as spilled my guts about her secrets and future-plan. If you have ideas, like the powers are still OP (Though I think they're more reasonable now that I've explained them), that's alright. If Relics don't grow, then they just simply don't grow. I'll keep the other two powers I came up with it though, as I see no problem with that.