So, this little incident has presented a challenge for moving the thread along IC. We can't just ignore him, or we'll spend the entire time wondering who he's going to shoot next, especially as unrepentant as Fire seems to be about this whole process. Keeping him ziptied and in someone's backpack leaves him no good ways to interact with the rest of the party. Since he's a PC, we can't just sell him down the river or shoot him. However, this'll need agreement from the GM and the consent of Nerminator, but I think this is something our resident wizard could help us with. @Nerminator: How do you feel about the concept of a Geas? Basically, Mr. Gandalf makes you promise not to harm the party, and the spell makes you unable too. Kind of a violation, but you did shoot someone, and it could provide an interesting dynamic with the rest of the party in addition to more proof for some of our magical skeptics. Failing that, one of our mechanically inclined players might whip up an exploding collar. Fallout 3 eat your heart out.