[quote=@Klyix] She only picked up an apple, though naturally the ripest, reddest one available. She looked over to him with a pointed glare. [b]"I truly dislike the fact you grew up here sometimes."[/b] She sighed, walking to a table and taking a seat. Pulling a small knife from the top of her boot she began to cut slices from the apple. She was quiet for a moment as she looked at him, before suddenly saying [b]"Sometimes I pretend I'm someone else. Not quite like that, but it helps. I mean one day you're here, bored beyond belief, and then the next, well..."[/b] She paused and smiled at him, at a smile which told more than words could, of the sights they'd seen and the things they'd done. [b]"Then again I suppose I spend a lot of my time pretending to be someone else. But I do understand how stark that difference is."[/b] How the monotony will eat away at you. How can one possibly be happy to stay still when they know just how big of a world it is? [/quote] Kaden could only grin as he watched the glare radiating off of Kat. Ever since Kaden noticed the comparison between her father and the actor he mentioned, he never missed the chance to tease Kat over it. Though Kaden could not help but wonder on occasion, if he poked around the internet...would he find someone that looked just like his dear cousin? Sadly Kaden valued his life too much to risk it he didn't think she would kill him oh no its what she would do that would involve him staying alive that scared him. Picking up a small sub sandwich from the line he accompanied Kat to the lunch table and sat down next to her. As Kaden worked on peeling the wrapping paper off he listened to Kat speak of the monotony of the Academy and how could people possibly stand dealing with it for so long. As Kat finished Kaden shrugged, "To most people the world is what they perceive by their lifestyle Kat. Most people get up, eat breakfast, go to school and or work. Then when the day is done they come home and go to sleep." Kaden said. "Most people here have not experienced real conflict yet and are only here to learn how to control their powers. That's it some don't even want their lives to change. I know I didn't when I first filled out the registration forms to attend here." Kaden said before taking a bite out of his sandwich and swallowing. "That changed though during the first time Magneto invaded the Academy." Kaden revealed. "During that whole mess for the first time in my life...I felt different. Like I was actually doing something that felt good. I guess you can say I developed a craving for adventuring." Kaden said with a chuckle. "I guess you could call this withdrawal." He chuckled. "Still..." He suddenly said reaching into his coat. "If you are really bored Kat....I may have some ideas how to alleviate the monotony of your routine." he said with a grin. "Have you ever tried Spleunking or Sky Diving?" he asked. [quote=@floodtalon] [@Z2010Deadmeat] "I people watch, I hang out with the few people who tolerate me, I train. I also collect unique weapons. I think my main hobby is building weapons though." He listed as the limp healed itself and he shuddered. [/quote] Lee crossed his arms after pulling his hood down listening to Flood speak of his usual hobbies. "Intersting ways to kill time." he said with a small grin. "I myself am definitely one for collecting unique things as I am sure you are aware of." Lee mentioned before leaning against a nearby locker as he thought over what he was about to say. "Since you seemed to figure me out so well. What I am about to offer you is both highly dangerous and extremely ludicrous. Though I can tell just by looking into your eyes you those very situations seem to be the type you enjoy the most." He said the grin widening on his face. "I know how to make money and quickly for that matter. Plus I am guessing you are the one responsible for making those strange paint bombs I have been seeing all over the school as of late. How would you like to put them to a more proper usage? " he asked.