[h2] Graguth [/h2] Muttering to himself before answering,[b]"At least my father gave me something.[/b] Then looking towards Scolopendra, [b]"Well as for the experiment that's all I had planned. Sorry if I wasted your time, but there is the matter of the counsel."[/b] Graguth shook his claw to get ash off as he spoke. Gathering himself before speaking, [b]"If you ever need help in defense of your lands we would be by your side in a moments notice."[/b] He stopped for a moment trying to remember the words that the counsel had told him. [b]" All we ask is that you would support us here in the north. As you most likely know the Frozen Wastes to the north of you are corrupted. Though we have wings up there, we would be honored if you ally yourself with us.[/b] Graguth bowed his head as he spoke those last words.