[quote=@Keyguyperson] The prompt is to write a story inspired by a song? Okay, who was the one who read my mind? Who did that? [/quote] I believe it was [@Jorick], actually, a ways back. Or at least he put together the early draft of the song theme. [quote=@Allel] I was hoping for the return of these comps! When I used RPG previously, I was far too shy to enter any pieces. ~ Not this time! [/quote] Shyness is forbidden! Write! [quote=@ayzrules] just making sure-is it limited to one entry per person? [/quote] Unless otherwise noted, it's always one-per-person, yes. I should probably write that down somewhere. [i]In the future[/i] we may try a contest or two with multiple submissions, but not just yet. [quote=@Light the Dark] Oh, this sounds like fun. I'll have to see if I can come up with anything. ^^ Is there any length limit or requirement? [/quote] No limits of any kind. It's really up to the voters to decide how long of an entry they like; from experience, they do tend to vote more around the 2000-3500 word range, I think. But you don't have to stretch it or compress it at all -- write what you like, we'll take it.