[quote=@Pirouette] Owlman's next question hit Ann a bit hard. Her smile and good manner faded as she looked away. What was the answer to where she was from? Some lab in Arizona? She couldn't remember anything before that so what else could she say? And it was probably best she kept that part of her life a secret so she turned to lie about her answer, something about living somewhere in LA. But she would never get the chance as someone came over, really enthused to meet Owlman. A woman, judging by her voice, and she had some short, messy white hair. Ann couldn't put her finger on it, but something about this woman felt odd. Ariadne must have, too, because Ann could she her now standing in the corner of her eye. It wasn't until she saw that obsessed look in the woman's eyes, that Ann had some type of confirmation on her suspicion. It was a sort of hungry look, as the woman circled like a predatory bird, and it was a tell that Ann could not mistake. A man had once given Ann that look, drunk and hungry, but he wasn't looking to fill his belly. He wasn't expecting Ariadne that night. Needless to say, Ann was uncomfortable with this whole sort of showing. It was surprising to see the Owlman so composed. Ann was watching him with apprehension. Owlman's nod did not provide Ann any reassurance that this was to be considered normal. Next came the touching. Ann visibly recoiled as if she couldn't believe that she was watching this. Then the woman finally focused her attention to Ann. It was eerie being in the woman's gaze. It felt like she was trying to search inside Ann.. for something. The woman kept staring, even as she got onto her knees and continued stroking the feathers of the Owlman. Finally, Ann had enough. "H-hey!" She spoken up, her confidence and voice barely above a speaking voice. "I-I don't think you should be..." She wavered a bit but then remembered why she was here, next to the Owlman in the first place. "You shouldn't be touching him like that!" [/quote] Oddity after oddity today. Normally it was two or three quick strokes or pats, not some sort of sustained petting session. He had met people like this before, and Casper's obvious discomfort only strengthened the feeling that this woman might be some kind of pervert. He held up a hand, carefully pushing the woman hand away with the bottom of his palm and shaking his head firmly that that was enough. Familiarity was all well and good, but you had to have at least some dignity. Enough, at least, not to be stroked like a dog. Settling that, he turned his attention back to Casper and held up that same hand palm out to let her know it was okay. He flipped open his book again. turning past the sections for greetings, questions, and requests, to settle on the section for advice. A section filled with things he thought worked for people like him. The new card was a picture of an owl surrounded by people, sun shining brightly in the sky. This owl was saying: [center][b]Be seen and experienced. Familiarity is the greatest enemy of fear.[/b] [i]-The Owlman[/i][/center] No "[i](Superhero)[/i]." This wasn't him speaking as a crime fighter. Just another human being, like them. He waited for her to read it then brought up his talon and tapped himself twice on the chest, tilting his head quizzically as though asking if she understood.