[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE2GCa-_nyU]((This scene has Mithias playing more violin in the background, therefore this scene has a great soundtrack))[/url] Martin sauntered down the broken body of a dieying titan. The streets of Kilo Point it's limbs, the town square it's heart. Kilo Point was bleeding out. Martin saw SOLDIERs trying to asses the damage, but it was clear their spirit was crushed as could be seen in their eyes. For their eyes reflected the ever growing pile of wasted life, burning in the evening sun. Though Martin knew how to escape from sight, he couldn't escape the scent from the charred pire. In other streets however, the streets that had already been cleaned, barely any sign of struggle could be seen. While the scent of ash and blood lingered, the streets shone brightly, people were going about their day. It struck Martin that, there was always going to be a new day. Stopping to regard a street musicians mesmerising performance Martin stood and pondered who the losers and winners were here. The vampires? Once could argue they lost the battle, but the same could be said of SOLDIER, or the Purge. All factions had suffered massive loss, and yet, all had achieved their goals to some extend. This was far from over. But one thing was clear to Martin, the public would endure. It's not their resolve, their technology or even their humanity that gives the common folk their edge, it's their mortallity. [i]Our lifespans are so short, that we are actually capable of forgetting the horrors of the nights before, and move on. Something I doubt I'll ever see in a vampire.[/i] There will always be innocent humans to rebuild in the aftermath. Time and time again, the meek will inherrit the world. For now, it was time for Martin to get to work. There was a lot to be done. So he was off to the titan's head: SOLDIER HQ.