"The seer, the seer! She's in the tavern right now", Rhys heard from the locals and saw a person run by him. Rhys watched the direction that Argo ran in. "Tarvern?" Rhys hoarsly said attempting to get to his feet. Using all his strength he managed to get up and began to stumble his way the tavern. His head was spinning from lack of food and drink but his willpower was strong and he was determined to get to the there. After what seemed like an eternity Rhys made it to 'The Niirborhood Tavern' feeling very relived. He stumbled through the doors and managed to make his way up to the counter. Breathing heavily he leant against the counter to steady himself, once he began to breath normally he opened his bag and rummaged around for his money. Looking at it with despair he looked up at the Barkeep who was serving another customer. Rhys looked like a lost child, all he could afford was water and possibly a bit of bread, if he was lucky. The last village he visited had little work for him to do, so the money he earned did not last him very long, he had hoped the next place he visited would have more opportunities; without money Rhys could not travel.