[/i]Bullying himself, what is talking about[/i], realisation dawned on Kovu [i]No no no, it can't be. I'll take anyone else even that magic guy that was annoying him[/i]. Kovu walked back over to the door and hesitantly tried to twist the door handle but it was locked. He could not remember locking it but nevertheless unlocked and opened the door to see Beast standing in front of him. Kovu looked at him wearily when a voice was heard through the intercom. [b]"Students, my dearest apologizes, but if you would check the plaques with your names on them to make sure that you are at the correct room, that would be most helpful. We seem to have a miscommunication with the rooming arrangements. A few of you will be shifted around. Ta-ta!"[/b] Kovu pulled the door open more to check the plaque but to his dismay his name was still there along side the carved name of Beast. Kovu walked back over to his bed and zipped open his bag. There was nothing else in there except clothes and other necessities, he didn't really have much else at home. The same voice was heard through the intercom again, this time it was one that wouldn't disappoint him; dinner and the chance to get away from Beast. Kovu thought this might be his chance to possibly make some friend but did he even want them? His family had always said never trust anyone and he didn't, he stayed friendless but felt like now would be the time to try something new, see if his parents were right. If everyone acts the way his roomate did, he didn't have much hope.