[@GrandzHelios]: No, smart guy. I meant an RP that is not an novelisation of a previously-existing Gundam work. For example. I was in an RP where we were essentially re-telling the One Year War. The outcome would be the same -- Zeon would lose. I guess I should've worded it differently. An RP where there is no fluidity. No room for our characters to change the outcome of anything or grow. If you were planning on a One Year War RP in which everything that happened in the anime happens in the RP, it would be a no-go for me. It wouldn't feel real if my characters couldn't live their lives in the verse with pre-determined outcomes. Even I don't know what they'll end up doing, and I'm their creator! Speaking of the RP, this post of yours is a bit strange. [quote=@GrandzHelios]The story have places us as a group of freedom fighters who start off by piloting scrap mobile suits. Eventually as the plot progresses we will upgrade to Gundams but I was thinking it would be we have to prove our selves in combat before a superior weapon falls into our laps.[/quote] What is meant by "we will upgrade to Gundams but I was thinking it would be we have to prove ourselves in combat before a superior weapon falls into our laps"? While we aren't our characters, I have to know what you mean here. You make it seem as though there is some objective force or entity that will judge the combat prowess of our characters.