"Oh, you mustn't think this pot is fragile" Vespion said, cavalierly picking it up and violently slamming it to the floor. If there was any damage to the pot, it didn't show. "Ceremonial vessels such as this one were enchanted to resist all sorts of damage. While it goes a bit beyond the scope of my assignment here, I imagine my temple would be quite happy to have such an old artifact like this back in their possession." Larek was impressed at the pot's durability. "I guess the enchantments also kept it fresh? Those colors look like they could have been painted yesterday." ---------------------- "Well, my father once said that farmers who own their land work harder than tenants or serfs, because they have a stake in their farms. Or at least a larger stake. It's something they can pass on to their families and have a bigger incentive to maintain. At least that's how he explained it" Orna said to Jammy. "But yeah, I'm sure Tran wants to provide for me too." ---------------------- Kos got the gate stone and gave it to Sasha and took her hand. He still had his sword strapped to his back. "Just will us to their house." ---------------------- Veax closed his eyes and arched his back as he let out a low roar of pleasure. "Ahh... that's good!"